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Massage for the Holidaze!!!

We all know that the holidays are stressful. The cooking, the cleaning, the shopping, the spending money, the kids, the family...ugh! It stresses me out just typing about it. The holidays are about doing for others and most of the time YOU get overlooked. Don't forget to buy yourself something during this crazy time. I believe massage therapy is the best gift one could give themselves. Not even just massage, chiropractic care, acupuncture, Reiki or energy work...any of these therapies will work wonders for your mental state! Not only do they help you mental but physically. Massage is medically proven to improve sleep, circulation, and flexibility. Moreover, it reduces toxins, fatigue and pain as well as enhances immunity. Reiki Therapy has numerous benefits as well. Please see the Reiki article written in Medical News Today...

In this brilliant article, you will learn all about a Reiki sessions and the benefits that go along with it. Please take care of yourself this holiday season! I know it's a wacky concelpt and it's something we would usually NOT do because, we are used to thinking of others before ourselves. However, try something different, correction, DO something different! We all know the definition of insanity, right? Take care of yourself...your family will thank you for it!

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